Challenges in Weight Loss During Menopause: Expert Insights from a Nutritional Therapist

Unmasking Weight Loss Hurdles: Insights from a Menopause Nutritional Therapist

Reasons Weight Loss Can Be Challenging

 In my practice as a menopause nutritional therapist, I've consistently observed certain challenges that clients face when attempting to lose weight. Many come to me with a narrative of having “tried everything” yet still not seeing the desired results. Delving deeper into their health history often unveils underlying factors that might be hindering their weight loss progress. If you find yourself nodding in agreement, believing you're doing everything right but still not seeing changes, here are some common culprits I often encounter:

 Insulin Resistance

Most people acknowledge the possibility of a slow metabolism, but many overlook insulin resistance. Insulin plays a pivotal role in regulating our blood sugar. Post consuming a carbohydrate-rich meal, our blood sugar levels spike, prompting the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin essentially acts as a key, allowing sugar to enter cells for energy use. But with prolonged high blood sugar, cells might start resisting insulin. This resistance leads to sugar being stored as fat, making insulin resistance a substantial factor in reduced metabolism.

Signs of Insulin Resistance:

  •  Increased belly fat

  • Intense sugar cravings

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver

  • Persistent hunger

  • Widespread body aches, including joint pain

  • Bone weakening


Begin with balanced meals, focusing on protein, healthy fats, and low-GI carbohydrates. For breakfast, consider a protein-rich dish like Greek yogurt combined with whey protein, complemented by fibre-rich seeds and nuts. Another dairy-free option could be scrambled eggs with turkey sausage, vegetables and avocado.

 Poor Sleep Quality

Skimping on sleep affects glucose management, amplifies stress hormones, and disturbs appetite-controlling hormones. Persistent sleep deprivation can lead to muscle mass reduction, affecting your metabolic rate.

 Signs of Insufficient Sleep:

 Feeling fatigued upon waking

Snoring or sleep apnea diagnosis

Daytime sugar cravings or overeating

Gradual weight gain

Relying on sleep or mood medications


Address the root cause of your sleep issues. Avoid large meals before bedtime, but a light, nutritious snack might aid in sleep. Also, curtail caffeine consumption post-lunch and consider non-alcoholic beverages over alcohol.

 Digestive Complications

Digestive problems can affect weight in various ways. For example, some individuals might overeat to alleviate acid reflux symptoms.

 Signs of Digestive Disturbances:

Diarrhoea or constipation

Bloating and gas

Abdominal discomfort

Frequent nausea

Bone weakening

Difficulty swallowing

Brain fog


Each digestive issue is unique. Incorporating balanced meals with protein and fibre-rich carbs and adequate hydration can alleviate certain symptoms. A tailored nutritional therapy consultation is advised for a more targeted approach.

 Inadequate Hydration

Being dehydrated impacts kidney functions, subsequently hindering the liver's fat metabolism capabilities.

 Signs of Dehydration:

Dry mouth and eyes

Reduced urine output

Dark yellow urine

Persistent headaches

Dry and wrinkled skin

Feeling lethargic


Monitor your daily water intake and check your urine's colour for hydration indicators. Starting the day with a big glass of water before any caffeine can set a good hydration foundation.

 Hormonal Imbalances

Estrogen and progesterone imbalances can lead to fat storage and sluggish metabolism. Excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, known as estrogen dominance, can trigger weight gain.

 Signs of Estrogen Dominance:

 Weight gain in hips, thighs, and arms

Chin and jawline acne

Hormonal migraines

Irregular menstrual cycles

Conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, and fibroids

Long-term birth control usage


Incorporate more cruciferous vegetables into your diet and ensure daily bowel movements to help expel excess estrogen.

Navigating these challenges requires tailored guidance and support. If any of these issues resonate with you, consider seeking expert advice to develop a comprehensive nutritional strategy.

 If you're feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about the next steps in your weight loss journey, I'm here to help. Book a FREE Discovery Call with me, and let's discuss how we can tailor a solution to your unique challenges. No obligations, just an opportunity to find your path to wellness. Click here to schedule your call now.

Here are five commonly asked questions about menopause weight management, complete with answers:

1. Why do women tend to gain weight during menopause?

Answer: As women approach menopause, they often experience a decline in estrogen levels. This hormonal shift can cause the body to redistribute weight, particularly to the abdominal area. Additionally, muscle mass decreases with age, leading to a slower metabolism. Changes in lifestyle, sleep disturbances, and increased insulin resistance can also contribute to weight gain during this phase.

2. How does menopause affect metabolism?

Answer: Menopause can result in a decrease in basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is partly due to the natural loss of muscle mass as we age, as muscles burn more calories at rest than fat. Additionally, hormonal imbalances during menopause can lead to insulin resistance, making it harder for the body to process sugars and leading to potential weight gain.

3. Are there specific foods or diets that can help with weight management during menopause?

Answer: A balanced diet is crucial during menopause. Including plenty of lean proteins can help maintain muscle mass. Foods rich in fibre, like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, can keep you full longer and aid digestion. It's also beneficial to consume foods rich in phytoestrogens, like flaxseeds and soy, which can help balance hormones. Additionally, reducing the intake of sugary and processed foods can combat insulin resistance and unwanted weight gain.

4. How does exercise factor into weight management during menopause?

Answer: Exercise is paramount for weight management during menopause. It helps combat the natural decline in muscle mass and thus boosts metabolism. Aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, or swimming can burn calories and promote heart health, while resistance training can build muscle and strengthen bones. Additionally, exercises like yoga and Pilates can provide flexibility, balance, and mental well-being benefits.

5. Are weight gain and menopause linked for everyone, or do some women experience weight loss or no change?

Answer: While many women experience weight gain during menopause, it's not universal. Some women might maintain their weight, while a few might even lose weight. Factors like genetics, lifestyle, diet, and overall health play a significant role in determining how menopause affects an individual's weight. It's essential to remember that every woman's experience is unique.



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