How to Combat Nausea in Perimenopause: Natural Remedies and Expert Advice

How to Combat Nausea in Perimenopause: Natural Remedies and Expert Advice

Struggling with perimenopause symptoms? Alongside mood swings and hot flashes, nausea is a lesser-discussed yet common issue for many women.

Why Does Nausea Happen in Perimenopause?

Nausea during perimenopause is still not entirely understood, largely due to a lack of focused research in this area. However, hormonal fluctuations are commonly cited as a significant factor. The decline in estrogen and progesterone levels can influence the gastrointestinal system, leading to symptoms like nausea and even vomiting in some cases.

Furthermore, hormonal changes can also affect blood sugar regulation, which may indirectly contribute to feelings of nausea. Stress and anxiety, commonly elevated during perimenopause, can exacerbate nausea or create a heightened sensitivity to it. Despite these hypotheses, more research is needed to definitively establish the underlying causes of nausea during this life stage.

Managing Perimenopausal Nausea: Nutritional and Lifestyle Tips

Nutritional Tips for Nausea Relief

  • Eating small, frequent meals can stabilise your blood sugar, thereby reducing nausea.

  • Opt for easy-to-digest foods and steer clear of spicy or fatty items.

  • Herbal remedies like ginger, peppermint, chamomile, and fennel teas can offer natural nausea relief.

  • Incorporate protein-rich foods such as lean meats, legumes, and dairy to further stabilise blood sugar and potentially alleviate nausea.

Lifestyle Changes for Nausea Management

  • Engage in mild exercise like walking or yoga for better digestion and symptom management.

  • Hydration is key: Sip water throughout your day.

  • Acupressure wristbands can offer relief from perimenopausal nausea.

  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises can alleviate nausea.

  • Stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness can also aid in reducing nausea.

  • Avoid strong odours to minimise nausea triggers.

When to Seek Professional Guidance

Persistent or severe nausea should prompt a consultation with a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment options.

Despite the lack of concrete understanding surrounding the causes of perimenopausal nausea, there are multiple ways to manage this symptom. Nutritional changes and simple lifestyle adaptations can offer significant relief.

Intrigued about personalised solutions for your perimenopausal symptoms? Book a free discovery call with me today to explore how I can guide you through your menopausal journey.


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