Habit Stacking for Women Over 40: The Secret to Making Change Easier

Building new habits can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re balancing work, family, and all the other demands that come with life over 40. If you're anything like me, you know how hard it can be to find time for yourself and make real changes in your routine. But there is a way to make habit change feel less daunting: habit stacking.

What is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking is the process of attaching a new habit to an existing one, making it easier to stick with. For busy women, especially those over 40, habit stacking can be a game-changer. By incorporating small changes into your current routines, you can slowly build habits that contribute to better health, well-being, and even self-care.

For example, I’ve personally found this method invaluable. I keep my dumbbells by the kettle and lift them every time I put it on. It's a simple way to fit in a bit of strength training without it feeling like a chore! It's about making the most of your daily routines, creating new habits in a way that feels achievable rather than overwhelming.

Why Habit Change is So Difficult After 40

Let's be real—changing habits at any age is challenging, but as we get older, it seems even tougher. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Set Routines: By the time you hit your 40s, you’ve developed a lot of ingrained habits over the years. Breaking those can feel like going against the grain.

  2. Busy Lifestyles: We often juggle many responsibilities—work, family, home—and finding the time and mental energy to focus on yourself can feel impossible.

  3. Physical Changes: Our bodies and minds change, especially during menopause. Fatigue, brain fog, and hormonal fluctuations can make it hard to feel motivated.

  4. Past Failures: Sometimes, the fear of not sticking to a habit can prevent us from even trying. How many times have you thought, "I've tried this before, and it didn’t work”?

But here’s the thing—habits don’t have to be big, life-altering changes right from the start. They can be small, simple actions that you add to routines you already have in place. That’s why I’m such a fan of habit stacking.

Six Habit Stacks You Can Start Today

If you want to make habit change easier, try these simple habit stacks. Each one is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine:

  1. Morning Coffee + Gratitude Journaling: While waiting for your coffee to brew, jot down three things you’re grateful for. It sets a positive tone for the day.

  2. Brushing Your Teeth + Affirmations: Look in the mirror while brushing your teeth and say a few positive affirmations. It’s a quick way to boost your mood and confidence.

  3. Cooking Dinner + Prepare Tomorrow’s Lunch: While you’re already in the kitchen, double up on ingredients and pack tomorrow’s lunch. It saves time and keeps you on track with healthy eating.

  4. Shower Time + Dry Brushing: Before stepping into the shower, take a few minutes to dry brush your skin. It’s great for circulation and a gentle detox.

  5. Oil Pulling + Listen to a Podcast: Oil pulling can take a few minutes, so why not use that time to listen to a podcast or a guided meditation? Multitasking at its finest.

  6. Evening Skincare + Soothing Music: Play calming music while you do your evening skincare routine. It helps to wind down and makes your skincare ritual more enjoyable.

Making Habit Stacking Work for You

So, how can you get started with habit stacking? First, identify a habit you already do daily, like drinking tea, brushing your teeth, or preparing dinner. Then, choose a small, achievable habit you want to add, like lifting weights, drinking more water, or practising mindfulness. By pairing the new habit with the old, it will feel more natural and become part of your routine over time.

It’s crucial to remember that the key to lasting change is starting small. If you try to overhaul your life in one go, it becomes overwhelming, and you’re more likely to give up. Instead, make a tiny change and build on it. Eventually, these small habit stacks will become second nature, and you'll be amazed at the progress you've made.

Final Thoughts

At the heart of habit change is consistency, not perfection. Especially for women over 40, who are already managing so much, finding small, achievable ways to improve your health and well-being is essential. Habit stacking offers a realistic and manageable way to integrate new, healthier habits into your life without feeling like you’re taking on too much.

If you want more tips like these, sign up for my Weekly Health Bites for simple, healthy changes you can start today! Let’s make habit change easy and, more importantly, lasting.


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