Menopause and Metabolism

It was wonderful to be a guest on the enlightening podcast Wellness All Seasons with Mina Qandar. In this special episode, we tackle the often frustrating and confusing topic of weight management during menopause.

As many of you know, navigating through menopause comes with its unique set of challenges, and unexpected weight gain is a common concern that many women face.

We delve deep into the multifaceted reasons behind this phenomenon, exploring how hormonal changes, lifestyle choices, and diet all play crucial roles in how our bodies evolve during this period. From the impact of estrogen on our metabolism to the truth behind hunger hormones, and the critical importance of maintaining muscle mass – we cover it all!

If you are experiencing weight gain, or simply interested in understanding more about the body’s changes during this time, this episode is a must-listen.

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Menopause Symptoms Can Be Managed Naturally


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