Hair Loss & Menopause – Relationship, Symptoms & How To Manage It

Menopause is a difficult time for many women, not only due to the emotional and physical changes it can bring about but also because of its effect on self-image.

Many women may experience excessive thinning or loss of their hair during menopause, making them feel worried and anxious about their appearance.

If you are experiencing this type of hair loss during menopause, it can be especially distressing as you come to terms with the reality that your body is transitioning into a new stage in life.

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes behind hair loss through menopause and how understanding these different factors can help increase confidence while helping prevent further thinning or loss of hair.

So, let’s get going:

Relationships Between Hair Loss & Menopause

Hair can go through one of two changes during menopause. Hair might sprout up in places it never did before typically on the chin and upper lip area this can be due to testosterone dominance. Also, you may notice the hair on your head becoming thinner. Hormonal fluctuations during menopause may be a contributing factor. Due to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone, androgen effects become more prominent.

Due to hair follicles' reduction in size, hair may become finer (thinner) during and after menopause. In such circumstances, hair grows more slowly and sheds more frequently. Estrogen decline during this time in your life affects the hair as estrogen keeps the hair in the growth phase and furthermore, declining estrogen can affect keratin production. Keratin is the key protein in skin, hair and nails. Iron deficiency affects hair growth and quality. You can become deficient in iron if you have heavy periods during perimenopause and also if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

Other things that can affect your hair during menopause are:

  • Dietary deficiency of key nutrients

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Thyroid problems which can be more common in menopause

  • Family history of hair loss

  • Hair styling

  • Medical conditions such as diabetes 

Signs Of Hair Loss During Menopause

Listed below are some of the most obvious signs that you are losing your hair as a menopausal woman:

  • Daily experiencing an increase in hair loss, whether it be on your brush, the floor, in the shower, on your pillows, or in the sink.

  • Noticing pronounced hair loss or thinning areas, especially a section on top of your head that gets wider.

  • Scalp skin can be seen through hair.

  • Seeing hair fall out.

  • Your hair seems more brittle or drier than usual.

How To Manage Hair Loss During Menopause?

Are you looking for the right ways of slowing down or managing your hair loss during menopause? If so, here’s what you need to do:

Reduce Stress

The stress hormone cortisol affects the hair follicle and disturbs and prevents hair growth. If you want to avoid a hormone imbalance, managing your stress is key. A decrease in estrogen production has been linked to changes in brain chemistry that contribute to irritability, nervousness, and depression.

Breathing exercises like yoga, which focus on releasing tension via the body and mind, have been shown to be particularly helpful in alleviating menopausal symptoms.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is another effective strategy for stress management; it’s a great way to manage hair loss during menopause.

Eat A Balanced Diet

You may slow hair loss during menopause by eating a healthy diet. A Mediterranean style diet is a good place to start.

How to improve your menopausal hair.

  • Look after your gut bugs with fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut.

  • Vitamin C and vitamin E rich foods help improves growth and regrowth of the hair

  • Healthy fats are essential for hair structure like omega 3 (fatty fish), olive oil, avocados, butter, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. In addition to their importance for overall health, essential fatty acids are also essential for healthy hair.

  • Niacin (vitamin B3) helps improves circulation to the scalp

  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) helps promotes hair growth

  • Phytoestrogens rich foods like linseeds may improve hair condition

  • Iron rich foods help Increases blood flow to the scalp

  • Vitamin B12 promotes healthy blood flow

  • Folates (B9) is needed for growth of hair follicle cells/hair health

  • Eat zinc rich foods as zinc deficiency can lead to breakdown of protein in the hair follicle

  • Vitamin B7 foods play an important role in healthy hair

  • Choose wholegrain foods

  • Eat plenty of veggies with every meal

  • It’s important to eat protein (about a palm size) with every meal as keratin is the building blocks of hair

Foods to avoid

  • Avoid highly processed foods and drinks that are full of sugar. The reason is very simple, your hair is made out of protein. Your hair needs protein to grow and sugar hinders the absorption of protein.

  • Avoid alcohol as it depletes B, C vitamins and zinc

  • Tea and coffee affect the absorption of iron so drink 2 hours away from meals

  • Deep fried foods can impair the action of essential fatty acids which we need for hair health

Added Bonus:
If you’d like to know what to eat for hair growth during menopause, download my valuable free eBook below. Are you fed up with your menopausal hair and symptoms like, low energy, digestive issues, weight gain and just not feeling yourself! Grab a copy of my 7 day delicious no fuss meal plan with shopping list and recipes and revive your hair. Start feeling better fast.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining adequate hydration levels is essential for optimal bodily function. Be hydrated with plenty of water rather than sugary juices, sodas, and other sweetened beverages.

Individuals have different hydration requirements based on a number of variables, including age, gender, weight, and the intensity and duration of their workouts.

Nonetheless, as a general rule of thumb, you should try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day if you want to help manage your hair loss during menopause.

Get Going

Regular physical activity is an essential part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. If you make exercise a regular part of your life, you will feel healthier and happier. Also, it aids in avoiding some additional menopause symptoms like mood changes, weight gain, and insomnia. All of these elements are crucial for preserving hormonal equilibrium, which encourages healthy hair growth.

Pick an exercise that you actually enjoy doing. You might go for a run, join a gym, or go for a walk with a friend.

Prioritise Hair Care

Care for your hair gently to avoid further damage during menopause. The use of blow dryers, straighteners, curling irons, and hot curlers should be reduced.  Avoid backcombing your hair because it can promote split ends.

An additional way to improve your hair's health and stimulate new growth is by using a conditioner or hair oil with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

If you want to keep your hair from breaking, avoid putting your hair up in a ponytail to tightly.

I have always have dry and brittle hair and as I came into perimenopause my hair got even drier, started thinning and I developed an itchy scalp!. This was upsetting to say the least. I started looking for serious hair care products that would work with menopausal hair and was really happy when I found the company Hair Loving. They are all about improving and supporting female health and wellbeing with an eco-friendly and sustainable vibe, and the fact that they have products that target menopausal hair is fantastic.
The products are formulated, blended and bottled in the UK. Hair Loving wholeheartedly believes in the ethos of responsible sourcing by sourcing ingredients from suppliers who have a positive impact on people and the environment.

If you want to repair your dry, brittle, over-processed menopausal hair quickly. Hair Loving's Natural Life Hair Oil Collection gently and effectively repairs your hair and soothes an itchy scalp, to gently heal from roots to tips, even after your first use!

I really love these products and would like you all to experience them. So Hair Loving have been very kind and are offering a special discount code to anyone who would like to purchase them. I know you will enjoy these products as much as I do.

To order go to

Discount code: ALISON15 for 15% OFF Natural Life Hair Oil For Menopause Support, Menopause Support Hair Rescue Kit or any of the Natural Life Individual Oils, Natural Life Duo and Natural Life Rescue Kit.

Discount code: ALISON20 for 20% OFF Deluxe Menopause Hair Pamper Box and the other Natural Life Deluxe Pamper Kits.

Review Your Medication

Hair loss during menopause is an adverse effect of some drugs.

If you're losing a lot of hair and suspect that your medication is to blame, make an appointment with your doctor.

It's possible that your doctor can transfer you over to a different medication that won't cause any unwanted side effects. Always talk to your doctor first before stopping taking your medication.

If you are interested in finding out more about I can help you start feeling better than please feel free to book a free call with me via the below link.


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How do I take care of myself during perimenopause?